What’s eating my yard?

Our yards are planted with types of Zoysia grass. Our open, common areas are typically planted in Bermuda. Bermuda demands almost full sun. Zoysia, a shade tolerant grass, is used in the homeowners’ yards. There are two types of Zoysia planted in Roseheart.

Different pests will tear up our yards. Grubs (June bug larvae) will kill grass by eating Zoysia roots. Armadillos, searching for grubs and earthworms and other tasty underground morsels, will dig at night, looking for a meal. There have been reported sightings of raccoons and “smellings” of skunks as well. Deer will trample yards in their search for above ground meals.

Controlling the pests is the answer. Grubs are best controlled by once-per-year spraying of beneficial nematodes. This is a homeowners’ responsibility. You can either do it yourself or have a lawn service accomplish this task. Armadillos, skunks and raccoons can, with difficulty, be caught in traps at night. Then they need to be “relocated”. See: http://www.msu.edu/~nixonjos/armadillo/problems.html for more information.